How are organisations upskilling data professionals?

As the world is rapidly digitalising, data science and analytical skills are in high demand. This report highlights the ways in which data science companies are training their employees with relevant skills and technologies. The report mainly identifies the total hours organisations have made mandatory for their data professionals to engage in upskilling or training […]

How are organisations upskilling data professionals?

As the world is rapidly digitalising, data science and analytical skills are in high demand. This report highlights the ways in which data science companies are training their employees with relevant skills and technologies.

The report mainly identifies the total hours organisations have made mandatory for their data professionals to engage in upskilling or training activities. The report also talks about the platforms leveraged by data science companies to impart training to their employees and how it functions.

The report covers:

  • Total mandatory training hours within organisations
  • Platforms leveraged by data science companies to impart training
  • Case Studies

This report does not talk about the content of the training or what subjects/areas data professionals are being trained on, but the different mediums through which it is done or preferred by different organisations.

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